List of Inorganic Chemicals to be Added



Inorganic Chemicals

This periodic table based list shows most of the inorganic chemical compounds that will be added to this database.  We have spectra from these chemical compounds. This section of the database is to be filled with spectra and key overlays, no tables. Each data-set typically includes:

  • Wide scan, elemental composition spectra (-10 to 1,100 eV, or wider) – low energy resolution mode
  • Narrow scan, chemical state spectra (20 eV to 100 eV wide) from main metal peak, C (1s), O (1s), and secondary metal peaks – high energy resolution mode
  • Valence Band spectrum
  • Auger signals
  • Overlays of pure element with pure chemical in Valence Band and Main Metal Peak spectra
  • Extended range spectra for newest spectra that show the fine structure, satellites, plasmons, and energy loss peaks
  • Vertically expanded spectra for main peak signals to show plasmons better

Some elements show only a short list of chemical compounds because we have not collected spectra that represent those elements. If you have spectra that you would like to contribute that represent those elements, then please contact us.

The Basic and Advanced XPS Information sections display the pure element, native oxides, pure oxides and a few other compounds.  The pure elements will be included in this section which is called The Spectra Section.  The newest spectra have high S/N and wider windows. The older spectra have lower S/N and narrow windows which is based on common practice of those years (<2000). The higher S/N and wider windows are possible due to the significant improvements made in instrument design.