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of XPS Reference Spectra, Peak-fits & Six (6) BE Tables
Click an Element to view Raw and Processed XPS Spectra, and XPS BE Tables

A bight blue asterisk mark (*) indicates full data-sets from 5-10 chemical compounds.
6C* has 40 links to carbon compounds. 9F* has 30 links to fluorine compounds.
14Si* has 30 links to silicon compounds. 16S* has 20 links to sulfur compounds.

Page Layout & Content               Index of Chemicals              Supporting Information


      The XPS Library See Ad Spaces below    
  1 H             He    
  3 Li* Be* B* C* N* O F* 10 Ne    
  11 Na 12 Mg* 13 Al* 14 Si* 15 P* 16 S* 17 Cl* 18 Ar    
  19 K 20 Ca* 21 Sc* 22 Ti* 23 V* 24 Cr* 25 Mn* 26 Fe* 27 Co* 28 Ni* 29 Cu* 30 Zn* 31 Ga* 32 Ge* 33 As* 34 Se* 35 Br* 36 Kr    
  37 Rb 38 Sr* 39 Y* 40 Zr* 41 Nb* 42 Mo* 43 Tc 44 Ru* 45 Rh* 46 Pd* 47 Ag* 48 Cd* 49 In* 50 Sn* 51 Sb* 52 Te* 53 I* 54 Xe    
  55 Cs 56 Ba*   72 Hf* 73 Ta* 74 W* 75 Re* 76 Os* 77Ir* 78 Pt* 79 Au* 80 Hg* 81 Tl* 82 Pb* 83 Bi* 84Po 85At 86 Rn    
  87 Fr 88 Ra                                    
        57 La* 58 Ce* 59 Pr* 60 Nd* 61 Pm 62 Sm* 63 Eu* 64 Gd* 65 Tb 66 Dy* 67 Ho* 68 Er* 69 Tm* 70 Yb* 71 Lu*    
  © Copyright, 2021-2023
B. Vincent Crist
89 Ac 90 Th* 91 Pa 92 U* 93 Np 94 Pu 95 Am 96 Cm 97 Bk 98 Cf 99 Es 100 Fm 101 Md 02 No 03 Lr    

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© Copyright: 2019-2023, B. Vincent Crist and The XPS Library, All Rights Reserved.  All spectra, data, tables, attachments, spectra-base, and data-base are protected by the International Berne Copyrights Law valid in 117 countries in the world. 




Supporting Information


Random Examples of XPS Spectra, Peak-fits, and Overlays in

“The International XPS Database”

https:// xpsdatabase .net

of XPS Reference Spectra and BE Tables

The example spectra shown here have Watermarks to help scientists find “The International XPS Database” when they use Google Image Searching
Google Search robots will readily find and promote these Example spectra
Watermarks are absent from all spectra in The International XPS Database



Corundum – Al2O3


Spinel – MgAl2O4

Aluminum (Al), Z=13

  →Support Information

Ultra-High Energy Resolution (UHR) XPS Spectrum from
Al (2p) XPS Signal from ion etched Aluminum metal, Alo
There are NO announcement watermarks on any XPS Spectra
in The International XPS Database

Ultra-High Energy Resolution (UHR) XPS Spectrum from
Al (2p) XPS Signal from ion etched Aluminum metal, Al

These example Spectra have Watermarks to help Google Image Searching.

→Periodic Table →Support Information
Overlay of Aluminum Valence Band XPS Spectra from
Aluminum Oxide, Al2Oand Aluminum Hydroxide, Al(OH)3
Overlay of Al (2p) XPS Spectra from
Aluminum Oxide, Al2Oand Aluminum Metal, Alo

→Periodic Table →Support Information
 XPS Spectrum from Al (2p) and Al (2s) XPS Signals from
Aluminum Oxide, Al2O3
Peak-fit of UHR Al (2p) XPS Spectrum from ion etched
Aluminum metal, Alusing Theoretical 2:1 Peak Area Ratio and Asymmetry

XPS Survey Spectrum from Aluminum Hydroxide, Al(OH)3  (Nordstrandite natural crystal)
(A test of Scofield Cross-sections, IMFP correction, and TF correction


XPS Survey Spectrum from Aluminum Hydroxide, Al(OH)3  (Nordstrandite natural crystal)
(Another test of Scofield Cross-sections, IMFP correction, and TF correction)



Beryllonite – BePO4

Beryl – Be3Al2Si6O18

Beryllium (Be), Z=4

→Periodic Table →Support Information

Peak-fit of Be (1s) XPS Spectrum from
ion etched Beryllium metal, Beo

Peak-fit of C (1s) XPS Spectrum from
ion etched Beryllium metal, Beo

→Periodic Table →Support Information
Overlay of Be (1s) XPS Spectra from
Beryllium metal, Beo , and BeO powder
Peak-fit of Be (1s) XPS Spectrum from Native Be Oxide, BeOx
on Beryllium metal, Beo

→Periodic Table →Support Information
Overlay of Beryllium Valence Band XPS Spectra from
Beryllium metal, Beo , and Beryllium Sulfate, BeSO4
Overlay of Be (1s) XPS Spectra from Beryllium metal, Beo,
Beryllium Oxide. BeO, and Beryllium Fluoride, BeF2

→Periodic Table →Support Information

O (1s) XPS Spectrum from
Beryllium Sulfate, BeSO4

Peak-fit of S (2p) XPS Spectrum from
Beryllium Sulfate, BeSO4





Eskolaite – Cr2O3

Uvarovite  – Ca3Cr2(SiO4)3

Chromium (Cr), Z=24

→Periodic Table →Support Information

Cr (2p) XPS Spectrum from
Chromium Oxide, Cr2O
(single crystal)

Cr (2p3/2) XPS Spectrum from
Chromium Oxide, Cr2O
(single crystal)

→Periodic Table →Support Information
Peak-fit of Cr (2p) XPS Spectrum from
Chromium Oxide, Cr2O
(single crystal)
Overlay of Cr (2p) XPS Spectra from
Chromium Oxide, Cr2O3, Chromium metal, Cro and Native Cr Oxide

→Periodic Table →Support Information
Peak-fit of Cr (3s) XPS Spectrum from
Chromium Oxide, Cr2O
(single crystal)
Example of Multiplet Splitting in (3s) orbitals
Overlay of Chromium Valence Band XPS Spectra from
Chromium Oxide, Cr2O3, and Chromium metal, Cro







Cuprite – Cu2O

Tenorite – CuO

Copper (Cu), Z=29

→Periodic Table →Support Information

Overlay of Cu (2p3/2) XPS Spectra from
anhydrous Copper Sulfate, CuSO4, and ion etched Copper metal, Cuo 

Overlay of Copper Valence Band XPS Spectra from
anhydrous Copper Sulfate, CuSO4, and ion etched Copper metal, Cuo 

→Periodic Table →Support Information
Cu (2p) XPS Spectrum from
anhydrous Copper Sulfate, CuSO4
Peak-fit of Cu (2p3/2) XPS Spectrum from
anhydrous Copper Sulfate, CuSO4
Example of Multiplet Splitting

→Periodic Table →Support Information
Peak-fit of C (1s) XPS Spectrum from
anhydrous Copper Sulfate, CuSO4
Peak-fit of S (2p) XPS Spectrum from
anhydrous Copper Sulfate, CuSO4

→Periodic Table →Support Information

Peak-fit of Cu (3s) XPS Spectrum from
anhydrous Copper Sulfate, CuSO4
Example of Multiplet Splitting

Peak-fit of Cu (3p) XPS Spectrum from
anhydrous Copper Sulfate, CuSO4
Example of Multiplet Splitting






Martite  –  α-Fe2O3

Siderite – FeCO3

Iron (Fe), Z=26

→Periodic Table →Support Information

Fe (2p) XPS Spectrum from
Iron Oxide, α-Fe2O3 (Hematite, 
natural crystal)

Fe (2p) XPS Spectrum from
Iron Mono-Oxide, FeO

→Periodic Table →Support Information
Fe (2p3/2) XPS Spectrum from
Iron Oxide, α-Fe2O3 (Hematite, 
natural crystal)
Overlay of Fe (2p3/2) XPS Spectra from Iron metal (Feo),
Iron Mono-oxide (FeO), Hematite, (α-Fe2O3) and Magnetite (Fe3O4)

→Periodic Table →Support Information
Overlay of Fe (2p) XPS Spectra from Iron metal (Feo), Iron Mono-oxide (FeO),
Hematite, (Fe2O3
natural crystal) and Magnetite (Fe3Onatural crystal)



Overlay of Fe (2p) XPS Spectra from Iron metal (Feo), Iron Mono-oxide (FeO),
Hematite, (Fe2O3
natural crystal) and Magnetite (Fe3Onatural crystal


→Periodic Table →Support Information

Peak-fit of O (1s) XPS Spectrum from
Iron Oxy-hydroxide (α-FeO(OH), 
natural crystal)

Overlay of Fe (2p3/2) XPS Spectra from
Iron metal (Feo), Iron Oxy-hydroxide (α-FeO(OH)), and Hematite, (α-Fe2O3)

Overlay of Iron Valence Band XPS Spectra from
Iron metal (Feo), and Iron Oxy-hydroxide (FeO(OH), 
natural crystal)
Overlay of Fe (2p3/2) XPS Spectra from Iron metal (Feo),
Iron Oxy-hydroxide (FeO(OH)), and Hematite, (α-Fe2O3
natural crystal)




Magnesite – MgCO3

Sellaite – MgF2

Magnesium (Mg), Z=12

→Periodic Table →Support Information

Ultra-High Energy Resolution Mg (2p) XPS Spectrum from
Magnesium metal, Mgo

Mg (1s) XPS Spectrum from
Magnesium metal, Mgo

→Periodic Table →Support Information
Peak-fit of C (1s) XPS Spectrum from
Magnesium Hydroxide, Mg(OH)2
Peak-fit of Mg (2p) XPS Spectrum from
Magnesium Hydroxide, Mg(OH)2

→Periodic Table →Support Information
Peak-fit of Mg (2p) XPS Spectrum from
Magnesium Oxide, MgO
 (single crystal)
Peak-fit of Mg (2p) XPS Spectrum from
Magnesium Fluoride, MgF(crystallites)


→Periodic Table →Support Information

Overlay of Mg (2p) XPS Spectra from Magnesium metal, Mgo, and
Magnesium Hydroxide, Mg(OH)2, (Brucite, 
natural crystal)

Overlay of Mg (2p) XPS Spectra from Magnesium metal, Mgo,
Magnesium Oxide (MgO, 
single crystal) and Magnesium Fluoride (MgF2)

→Periodic Table →Support Information
Mg (2p) and Mg (2s) XPS Spectrum from
Magnesium Oxide (MgO, 
single crystal)
F (1s) XPS Spectrum from
Magnesium Fluoride (MgF2crystallites)

→Periodic Table →Support Information
XPS Survey Spectrum from Magnesium Hydroxide, Mg(OH)2  (Brucite, natural crystal)
(A test of Scofield Cross-sections, IMFP correction, and TF correction)


XPS Survey Spectrum from Magnesium Fluoride, MgF2 (crystallites)
(A test of Scofield Cross-sections, IMFP correction, and TF correction)

→Periodic Table →Support Information





Rutile – TiO2

Anatase – TiO2

Titanium (Ti), Z=22

→Periodic Table →Support Information

Ti (2p) XPS Spectrum from
ion etched Titanium metal, Tio

Peak-fit of Ti (2p) XPS Spectrum from
ion etched Titanium metal, Tio

→Periodic Table →Support Information
Ti (2p) XPS Spectrum from
strongly ion etched Titanium Nitride, TiN
Overlay of Ti (2p) XPS Spectra from
Titanium metal, Tio, and Titanium Nitride, TiN

→Periodic Table →Support Information
Peak-fit of Ti (2p) XPS Spectrum from
Titanium Dioxide, TiO2, (
single crystal, Rutile type)
Overlay of Ti (2p) XPS Spectra from
Titanium metal, Tio, Native Ti Oxide, and Titanium Dioxide, TiO2

→Periodic Table →Support Information

Peak-fit of C (1s) XPS Spectrum from
ion etched Titanium Nitride, TiN

Peak-fit of Ar (2p) XPS Spectrum from
Ar+ ion etched Titanium metal, Tio






Zincite – ZnO

Sphalerite – ZnS

Zinc (Zn), Z=30

→Periodic Table →Support Information

Peak-fit of Zn (2p3/2) XPS Spectrum from
ion etched Zinc metal, Zno

Peak-fit of Zn (2p3/2) XPS Spectrum from Zinc native Oxide, ZnOx
The peak at 1022.9 eV is probably due to Zn(OH)not ZnO.

→Periodic Table →Support Information
Overlay of Zn (2p3/2) XPS Spectra from
ion etched Zinc metal, Zno, and Zinc native Oxide, ZnOx
Overlay of Zn (2p3/2) XPS Spectra from
ion etched Zinc metal, Zno, and Zinc Oxide, ZnO, 
(single crystal)

→Periodic Table →Support Information
Overlay of Zn (2p3/2) XPS Spectra from
ion etched Zinc metal, Zno, and Zinc Selenide, ZnSe, 
(single crystal)
Overlay of Zn (2p3/2) XPS Spectra from
Zinc metal, Zno, Zinc Oxide, ZnO, Zinc Sulfide, ZnS, and Zinc Selenide, ZnSe 

→Periodic Table →Support Information
Overlay of Loss Peaks in Zn (2p) XPS Spectra from
ion etched Zinc metal, Zno, and Zinc Selenide, ZnSe, 
(single crystal)
Overlay of Zn (KLL) XPS Spectra from ion etched
Zinc metal, Zno, and Zinc Sulfide, ZnS, and Zinc Oxide, ZnO 
(single crystal)





End of Examples




Popular Links in Alphabetical Order by Element Name


Aluminum (Al), Z=13
Aluminum (Al), Z=13, & Aluminum Compounds
Aluminum Spectra – 3Al2O3-2SiO2
Aluminum Spectra – Al metal
Aluminum Spectra – Al(OH)3
Aluminum Spectra – Al2(SO4)3
Aluminum Spectra – Al4C3
Aluminum Spectra – AlF3
Aluminum Spectra – AlN
Aluminum Spectra – AlO(OH)
Aluminum Spectra – BeAl2O4
Aluminum Spectra – LiAlO2
Aluminum Spectra – α-Al2O3
Antimony (Sb), Z=51
Antimony (Sb), Z=51, & Antimony Compounds
Antimony Spectra – Sb metal
Argon (Ar), Z=18
Arsenic (As), Z=33
Arsenic (As), Z=33, & Arsenic Compounds
Arsenic Spectra – As2O5
Barium (Ba), Z=56
Barium (Ba), Z=56, & Barium Compounds
Barium Spectra – Ba Borosilicate glass – 7059
Barium Spectra – BaCO3
Barium Spectra – BaF2
Barium Spectra – BaO
Barium Spectra – BaSO4 – Baryte – natural crystal
Barium Spectra – BaTiO3
Barium Spectra – BaZrO3
Beryllium (Be), Z=4
Beryllium (Be), Z=4, & Beryllium Compounds
Beryllium Spectra – Be2SiO4 – Phenakite – natural crystal
Beryllium Spectra – BeAl2O4 – Chrysoberyl – natural crystal
Beryllium Spectra – BeF2
Beryllium Spectra – BeF2 – Beryllium Fluoride
Beryllium Spectra – BeO
Beryllium Spectra – BeOx – native
Beryllium Spectra – BeSO4
Bismuth (Bi), Z=83
Bismuth (Bi), Z=83, & Bismuth Compounds
Bismuth Spectra – Bi metal
Bismuth Spectra – Bi2O3
Bismuth Spectra – Bi2S3 – Bismuthinite – natural crystal
Boron (B), Z=5
Boron (B), Z=5, & Boron Compounds
Boron Spectra – B metalloid
Boron Spectra – B2O3 – anhydrous
Boron Spectra – BN – pyrolytic
Boron Spectra – Li2B4O7
Boron Spectra – LiB3O5 – single crystal
Boron Spectra – LiBF4
Boron Spectra – NaBF4
Boron Spectra – NH4(BF4)
Boron Spectra – SrB4O7 – single crystal
Bromine (Br), Z=35
Bromine (Br), Z=35, & Bromine Compounds
Bromine Spectra – CaBr2 – Calcium Bromide
Bromine Spectra – CuBr2 – Cupric (II) Bromide
Bromine Spectra – NaBr – Sodium Bromide
Bromine Spectra – NH4Br – Ammonium Bromide
Cadmium (Cd), Z=48
Cadmium (Cd), Z=48, & Cadmium Compounds
Cadmium Spectra – Cd metal
Cadmium Spectra – Cd(OH)2
Cadmium Spectra – CdO
Cadmium Spectra – CdS
Cadmium Spectra – CdSO4
Cadmium Spectra – CdTe – as received
Cadmium Spectra – CdTe – ion etched clean
Cadmium Spectra – CdWO4 – Single Crystal
Calcium (Ca), Z=20
Calcium (Ca), Z=20, & Calcium Compounds
Calcium Spectra – Ca metal
Calcium Spectra – Ca(SO4) – Anhydrite – natural crystal
Calcium Spectra – CaCO3 – Calcite Spar – natural crystal
Calcium Spectra – CaF2 – Fluorite – natural crystal
Calcium Spectra – CaMg(CO3)2 – Dolomite – natural crystal
Calcium Spectra – CaO
Calcium Spectra – CaTiSiO5 – Sphene – natural crystal
Calcium Spectra – CaWO4 – Scheelite – natural crystal
Carbon (C), Z=6, & Carbon Compounds
Carbon Spectra – Ag2(CO3) – Silver Carbonate
Carbon Spectra – Al2O3-TiC- AlTiC ceramic
Carbon Spectra – Anthracite coal – natural crystal
Carbon Spectra – BaCO3 – Barium Carbonate
Carbon Spectra – CaCO3 – Calcite Spar – natural crystal – Calcium Carbonate
Carbon Spectra – Carbon Nano-Tubes – CNT
Carbon Spectra – Cr3C2 – Chromium Carbide
Carbon Spectra – Diamond – natural crystal
Carbon Spectra – FeCO3 – Siderite – natural crystal – Iron Carbonate
Carbon Spectra – Graphene – Fresh peel from HOPG
Carbon Spectra – Graphene Oxide
Carbon Spectra – HDPE – High Density Poly-Ethylene – polymer
Carbon Spectra – HfC – Hafnium Carbide
Carbon Spectra – HOPG – Highly Oriented Pyrolytic Graphite
Carbon Spectra – K2CO3 – Potassium Carbonate
Carbon Spectra – KHCO3 – Potassium Bi-carbonate
Carbon Spectra – Krytox(tm) – Fluoro-Ether Grease
Carbon Spectra – Li2CO3 – Lithium Carbonate
Carbon Spectra – Methyl Cellulose – natural polymer
Carbon Spectra – Mg(CO3) – anhydrous – Magnesium Carbonate
Carbon Spectra – Mo2C – Molybdenum Carbide
Carbon Spectra – Na2CO3 – Sodium Carbonate – Baking Soda
Carbon Spectra – NaHCO3 – Sodium Bi-carbonate
Carbon Spectra – NbC – Niobium Carbide
Carbon Spectra – Paraffin Wax – C(31)H(64) – mp 37
Carbon Spectra – PET – poly-Ethylene Terephthalate – Mylar ™
Carbon Spectra – poly-oxydiphenylene-pyromellitimide – Kapton ™ – polymer
Carbon Spectra – PP – poly-Propylene – polymer
Carbon Spectra – PS – poly-Styrene – polymer
Carbon Spectra – PVC – Poly-Vinyl Chloride polymer -(C2Cl)-
Carbon Spectra – Reduced Graphene Oxide – RGO
Carbon Spectra – SiC – optical element – Silicon Carbide
Carbon Spectra – Teflon – Poly-Tetra-Fluoro-Ethylene -(CF2-CF2)-
Carbon Spectra – TiC – Titanium Carbide
Carbon Spectra – Vaseline – grease – health product
Carbon Spectra – VC – Vanadium Carbide
Carbon Spectra – WC – Tungsten Carbide
Carbon Spectra – ZrC – Zirconium Carbide
Cerium (Ce), Z=58
Cerium (Ce), Z=58
Cesium (Cs), Z=55
Chlorine (Cl), Z=17
Chlorine (Cl), Z=17, & Chlorine Compounds
Chlorine Spectra – PtCl4 – Platinum Chloride – crystals
Chromium (Cr), Z=24
Chromium (Cr), Z=24, & Chromium Compounds
Chromium Spectra – Cr2O3
Chromium Spectra – Cr2S3
Chromium Spectra – CrO3
Chromium Spectra – K2CrO4
Cobalt (Co), Z=27
Cobalt (Co), Z=27, & Cobalt Compounds
Cobalt Spectra – Co(OH)2
Cobalt Spectra – Co3O4
Cobalt Spectra – CoCO3
Cobalt Spectra – CoF2
Cobalt Spectra – CoMoO4
Cobalt Spectra – CoO
Cobalt Spectra – CoSO4
Copper (Cu), Z=29
Copper (Cu), Z=29, & Copper Compounds
Copper Spectra – Cu metal
Copper Spectra – Cu(OH)2
Copper Spectra – Cu2O – Cuprite – natural crystal
Copper Spectra – Cu2S – Chalcocite – natural crystal
Copper Spectra – CuCN
Copper Spectra – CuCO3
Copper Spectra – CuNO3
Copper Spectra – CuO
Copper Spectra – CuS – Covellite – natural crystal
Copper Spectra – CuSO4
Dysprosium (Dy), Z=66
Erbium (Er), Z=68
Europium (Eu), Z=63
Fluorine (F), Z=9
Fluorine (F), Z=9, & Fluorine Compounds
Fluorine Spectra – AlF3 – anhydrous – Aluminum Fluoride
Fluorine Spectra – NiF2 – Nickel di-Fluoride
Fluorine Spectra – SbF3 – Antimony Fluoride
Fluorine Spectra – ZnF2 – Zinc di-Fluoride
Gadolinium (Gd), Z=64
Gallium (Ga), Z=31
Gallium (Ga), Z=31, & Gallium Compounds
Gallium Spectra – Ga metal
Gallium Spectra – Ga2O3 – single crystal
Gallium Spectra – GaF3
Gallium Spectra – GaN
Gallium Spectra – GaSb – single crystal
Gallium Spectra – LiGaO2 – single crystal
Germanium (Ge), Z=32
Germanium (Ge), Z=32, & Germanium Compounds
Germanium Spectra – Bi(4)Ge(2)O(12) – single crystal
Germanium Spectra – Ge(x)Si(y) – solid solution
Germanium Spectra – GeO
Germanium Spectra – GeO2
Germanium Spectra – PbO:GeO2:PbF2 – glass
Gold (Au), Z=79
Gold (Au), Z=79, & Gold Compounds
Gold Spectra – Au metal
Gold Spectra – AuCu – Alloy Series & Chemical Shifts
Gold Spectra – AuCu alloy – 75:25 wgt%
Hafnium (Hf), Z=72
Hafnium (Hf), Z=72, & Hafnium Compounds
Hafnium Spectra – Hf metal
Hafnium Spectra – HfO2
Helium (He), Z=2
Holmium (Ho), Z=67
Hydrogen (H), Z=1
Indium (In), Z=49
Indium (In), Z=49, & Indium Compounds
Indium Spectra – In metal
Indium Spectra – In(OH)3
Indium Spectra – In2O3
Indium Spectra – In2S3
Indium Spectra – In2Se3
Indium Spectra – InN
Indium Spectra – InP – single crystal
Iodine (I), Z=53
Iodine (I), Z=53, & Iodine Compounds
Iodine Spectra – KI – Potassium Iodide – crystallite
Iridium (Ir), Z=77
Iridium (Ir), Z=77, & Iridium Compounds
Iridium Spectra – Ir metal
Iridium Spectra – Ir native oxide
Iridium Spectra – IrMn alloy
Iridium Spectra – IrO2
Iron (Fe), Z=26
Iron (Fe), Z=26, & Iron Compounds
Iron Spectra – Fe metal
Iron Spectra – Fe2(SO4)3
Iron Spectra – Fe2O3 – α – alpha – Hematite crystal
Iron Spectra – Fe2O3 – γ – gamma – Maghemite crystal
Iron Spectra – Fe3O4 – Magnetite – natural crystal
Iron Spectra – Fe4N
Iron Spectra – FeCO3 – Siderite – natural crystal
Iron Spectra – FeF2
Iron Spectra – FeF3
Iron Spectra – FeO
Iron Spectra – FeO(OH) – α- Goethite – natural crystal
Iron Spectra – FeS2 – Pyrite – natural crystal
Iron Spectra – K3Fe(CN)6
Krypton (Kr), Z=36
Lanthanum (La), Z=57
Lead (Pb), Z=82
Lead (Pb), Z=82, & Lead Compounds
Lead Spectra – Pb metal
Lead Spectra – PbO
Lead Spectra – PbO2
Lead Spectra – PbSO4 – Anglesite – natural crystal
Lithium (Li), Z=3
Lithium (Li), Z=3, & Lithium Compounds
Lithium Spectra – Li2B4O7 – Lithium Tetra-Borate
Lithium Spectra – Li2CO3 – Lithium Carbonate
Lithium Spectra – Li2MoO4 – Lithium Molybdate
Lithium Spectra – Li2WO4 – Lithium Tungstate – single crystal
Lithium Spectra – LiAlO2 – Lithium Aluminate
Lithium Spectra – LiB3O5 – Lithium Borate – single crystal
Lithium Spectra – LiBF4 – Lithium Tetra-fluoroborate
Lithium Spectra – LiBF4 – Lithium Tetra-fluoroborate
Lithium Spectra – LiBr – Lithium Bromide – crystallites
Lithium Spectra – LiCl – Lithium Chloride – crystallites
Lithium Spectra – LiGaO2 – Lithium Gallate – single crystal
Lithium Spectra – LiI – Lithium Iodide – beads
Lithium Spectra – LiNbO3 – Lithium Niobate – single crystal
Lutetium (Lu), Z=71
Magnesium (Mg), Z=12
Magnesium (Mg), Z=12, & Magnesium Compounds
Magnesium Spectra – Mg(CO3) – anhydrous
Magnesium Spectra – Mg(OH)2 – Brucite – natural crystal
Magnesium Spectra – Mg(SO4)
Magnesium Spectra – Mg3Si4O10(OH)2
Magnesium Spectra – MgAl2O4 – Spinel – natural crystal
Magnesium Spectra – MgF2
Magnesium Spectra – MgO – single crystal
Manganese (Mn), Z=25
Manganese (Mn), Z=25, & Manganese Compounds
Manganese Spectra – KMnO4 – Purity ??
Manganese Spectra – Mn metal
Manganese Spectra – MnCO3 – Rhodocrosite – natural crystal
Manganese Spectra – MnF2
Manganese Spectra – MnO
Manganese Spectra – MnO2 – Pyrolusite – natural crystal
Mercury (Hg), Z=80
Mercury (Hg), Z=80, & Mercury Compounds
Mercury Spectra – Hg metal – Liquid
Molybdenum (Mo), Z=42
Molybdenum (Mo), Z=42, & Molybdenum Compounds
Molybdenum Spectra – BaMoO4
Molybdenum Spectra – Mo metal
Molybdenum Spectra – Mo2C
Molybdenum Spectra – Mo3Si
Molybdenum Spectra – MoO2
Molybdenum Spectra – MoO3
Molybdenum Spectra – MoS2 – Molybdenite – natural crystal
Neodymium (Nd), Z=60
Neon (Ne), Z=10
Nickel (Ni), Z=28
Nickel (Ni), Z=28, & Nickel Compounds
Nickel Spectra – Ni(OH)2
Nickel Spectra – Ni:Co 50:50
Nickel Spectra – Ni2P
Nickel Spectra – NiCO3
Nickel Spectra – NiF2
Nickel Spectra – Ni-metal
Nickel Spectra – NiO- single crystal
Nickel Spectra – NiSO4
Niobium (Nb), Z=41
Niobium (Nb), Z=41, & Niobium Compounds
Niobium Spectra – Nb2O5
Niobium Spectra – NbC
Niobium Spectra – NbN
Niobium Spectra – NbO
Niobium Spectra – NbO2
Niobium Spectra – NbSi
Nitrogen (N), Z=7
Nitrogen (N), Z=7
Nitrogen (N), Z=7, & Nitrogen Compounds
Nitrogen Spectra – AlN
Nitrogen Spectra – BN – pyrolytic
Nitrogen Spectra – Cu(NO3)2
Nitrogen Spectra – CuCN
Nitrogen Spectra – CuN
Nitrogen Spectra – GaN
Nitrogen Spectra – GeN
Nitrogen Spectra – InN
Nitrogen Spectra – NbN
Nitrogen Spectra – NH4(BF4)
Nitrogen Spectra – NH4Cl – crystallites
Nitrogen Spectra – Si3N4 – Low Pressure CVD
Nitrogen Spectra – SiCN
Nitrogen Spectra – TaN
Nitrogen Spectra – TiN
Nitrogen Spectra – VN (as received)
Nitrogen Spectra – WN
Osmium (Os), Z=76
Osmium (Os), Z=76, & Osmium Compounds
Oxygen (O), Z=8
Palladium (Pd), Z=46
Palladium (Pd), Z=46, & Palladium Compounds
Palladium Spectra – AuPd – SEM sputter coating
Palladium Spectra – Pd metal
Palladium Spectra – Pd:Fe alloy
Palladium Spectra – PdO
Phosphorus (P), Z=15
Phosphorus (P), Z=15, & Phosphorus Compounds
Phosphorus Spectra – 10% P in PSG
Phosphorus Spectra – Cu3(PO4)2 – 2H2O
Phosphorus Spectra – InP – single crystal wafer
Phosphorus Spectra – KH2PO4 – single crystal – 100
Phosphorus Spectra – LiFePO4
Phosphorus Spectra – NaH2PO4
Phosphorus Spectra – P non-metal
Phosphorus Spectra – Pb5(PO4)3Cl – Pyromorphite
Phosphorus Spectra – YPO4 – Xenotime – natural crystal
Platinum (Pt), Z=78
Platinum (Pt), Z=78, & Platinum Compounds
Platinum Spectra – Pt metal
Platinum Spectra – Pt/Zeolite catalyst
Platinum Spectra – PtO2
Potassium (K), Z=19
Praseodymium (Pr), Z=59
Rhenium (Re), Z=75
Rhenium (Re), Z=75, & Rhenium Compounds
Rhenium Spectra – Re metal
Rhenium Spectra – Re Native Oxide
Rhodium (Rh), Z=45
Rhodium (Rh), Z=45, & Rhodium Compounds
Rhodium Spectra – RhOx – Native Oxide
Rubidium (Rb), Z=37
Ruthenium (Ru), Z=44
Ruthenium (Ru), Z=44, & Ruthenium Compounds
Ruthenium Spectra – Ru metal
Ruthenium Spectra – RuO2
Ruthenium Spectra – RuOx – Native Oxide
Samarium (Sm), Z=62
Scandium (Sc), Z=21, & Scandium Compounds
Scandium Spectra – ScAlMgO4
Selenium (Se), Z=34
Selenium (Se), Z=34, & Selenium Compounds
Selenium Spectra – In2Se3
Silicon (Si), Z=14
Silicon (Si), Z=14, & Silicon Compounds
Silicon Spectra – Be2SiO4 – Phenakite – natural crystal
Silicon Spectra – K2SiO3
Silicon Spectra – NIST SRM 614 – Trace Elements in Glass
Silicon Spectra – n-Si <110> single crystal wafer
Silicon Spectra – SiC – optical element
Silicon Spectra – SiO2 – Natural Quartz and Amorphous Silica
Silicon Spectra – SiO2-nH2O – Opal
Silver (Ag), Z=47
Silver (Ag), Z=47, & Silver Compounds
Silver Spectra – Ag metal
Silver Spectra – Ag2(CO3)
Silver Spectra – Ag2(SO4) – anhydrous
Silver Spectra – Ag2O
Silver Spectra – Ag2S – Argentite – natural crystal
Silver Spectra – AgF
Silver Spectra – AgO
Silver Spectra – AgSn – solder ball
Silver Spectra – AgTe
Sodium (Na), Z=11
Spectra – SrTiO3 – crystal
Strontium (Sr), Z=38
Strontium (Sr), Z=38, & Strontium Compounds
Strontium Spectra – Sr metal
Strontium Spectra – SrCO3
Strontium Spectra – SrSO4 – Celestite – natural crystal
Strontium Spectra – SrZrO3
Sulfur (S), Z=16
Sulfur (S), Z=16, & Sulfur Compounds
Sulfur Spectra – Bi2S3 – Bismuthinite – natural crystal
Sulfur Spectra – Cr2S3
Sulfur Spectra – Cu2S – Chalcocite – natural crystal
Sulfur Spectra – CuS – Covellite – natural crystal
Sulfur Spectra – FeS2 – Pyrite – natural crystal
Sulfur Spectra – Ga2S3
Sulfur Spectra – MoS2 – Molybdenite – natural crystal
Sulfur Spectra – Sulfur – S(8) – Natural Crystal
Tantalum (Ta), Z=73
Tantalum (Ta), Z=73, & Tantalum Compounds
Tantalum Spectra – Ta2O5
Tantalum Spectra – TaC
Tantalum Spectra – TaN
Tellurium (Te), Z=52
Tellurium (Te), Z=52, & Tellurium Compounds
Tellurium Spectra – CdTe – crystal – ion etched clean
Terbium (Tb), Z=65
Thallium (Tl), Z=81
Thallium (Tl), Z=81, & Thallium Compounds
Thorium (Th), Z=90
Thulium (Tm), Z=69
Tin (Sn), Z=50
Tin (Sn), Z=50, & Tin Compounds
Tin Spectra – SnO
Tin Spectra – SnS
Titanium (Ti), Z=22
Titanium (Ti), Z=22, & Titanium Compounds
Titanium Spectra – Ti metal
Titanium Spectra – TiC
Titanium Spectra – TiN
Titanium Spectra – TiO2 – Rutile – single crystal
Tungsten (W), Z=74
Tungsten (W), Z=74, & Tungsten Compounds
Tungsten Spectra – CaWO4 – Scheelite – natural crystal
Tungsten Spectra – CdWO4 – single crystal
Tungsten Spectra – Li2WO4 – single crystal
Tungsten Spectra – Na2WO4
Tungsten Spectra – W metal
Tungsten Spectra – WC
Tungsten Spectra – WN
Tungsten Spectra – WO3
Tungsten Spectra – WS2
Uranium (U), Z=92
Vanadium (V), Z=23
Vanadium (V), Z=23, & Vanadium Compounds
Vanadium Spectra – NaVO3
Vanadium Spectra – V metal
Vanadium Spectra – V2O3
Vanadium Spectra – V2O5
Xenon (Xe), Z=54
Ytterbium (Yb), Z=70
Yttrium (Y), Z=39
Yttrium (Y), Z=39, & Yttrium Compounds
Yttrium Spectra – Y2(CO3)3
Yttrium Spectra – Y2O3
Yttrium Spectra – Yttrium metal
Yttrium Spectra – YVO4 – Single Crystal
Zinc (Zn), Z=30
Zinc (Zn), Z=30, & Zinc Compounds
Zinc Spectra – Zn metal
Zinc Spectra – Zn(CO3) – Smithsonite – natural crystal
Zinc Spectra – Zn(SO4) – Goslarite – natural crystal
Zinc Spectra – ZnCu – C260 Brass
Zinc Spectra – ZnF2
Zinc Spectra – ZnO
Zinc Spectra – ZnSe – Single Crystal
Zirconium (Zr), Z=40
Zirconium (Zr), Z=40, & Zirconium Compounds
Zirconium Spectra – SrZrO3
Zirconium Spectra – Zr metal
Zirconium Spectra – ZrC
Zirconium Spectra – ZrF4
Zirconium Spectra – ZrN
Zirconium Spectra – ZrO2




